Meet the Team

Associate Professor Nabeel Ibrahim MB BCh,FRACS,FRCS,FACP is an Australian qualified Specialist Surgeon who completed his training in surgery at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney in 1980. The training at St Vincent’s Hospital included training in vascular surgery at the Professorial Vascular Unit with Professors G D Tracy and R S A Lord, Dr T Nash and Dr J W Graham. Further postgraduate study and training was undertaken over several years at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, England and at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA. At the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital A. Prof Ibrahim worked with Dr R Gardiner performing injection sclerotherapy (the Fagan Technique) as the main form of minimally invasive treatment of venous disease.
Treatment of venous diseases has been a considerable part of A. Prof Ibrahim’s portfolio. This includes complex surgical procedures for treating varicose veins and complications of venous disease. In 1993 A. Prof Ibrahim began using ultrasound guidance to carry out injection sclerotherapy for deep veins and leaking valves. This has resulted in A. Prof Ibrahim becoming a leader in the use of non-surgical endovenous treatments of Varicose Veins and chronic Venous Disease. A. Prof Ibrahim was the first in Australia to use VenaSeal™ (an advanced technique using Medical Super Glue) for the treatment of Varicose Veins and he has developed superior techniques for treating short segment and perforator vein disease with this technology. This has enabled him to develop advanced and innovative treatments for all aspects and severity of chronic Venous Disease. These treatments have proven to be safe, effective, with minimal discomfort, minimal scarring and offer no ’down time’.
A. Prof Ibrahim currently is a Clinical Senior Lecturer – Macquarie University, Sydney as well as an Adjunct Senior Lecturer – University Notre Dame, Sydney.

B. Sc. (Hons), MBBS, PhD, FRACS
Dr Anita Jacombs is an Australian Qualified General Surgeon who trained at various hospitals in NSW including St Vincent’s Hospital and its affiliates. Dr Jacombs has undertaken specialty Fellowship training in laparoscopy, hernia surgery and abdominal wall reconstruction at Macquarie University Hospital. She has also been trained in the specialist field of endovenous treatment of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency.
During her training Dr Jacombs completed a Doctor of Philosophy with research into how bacterial biofilms infect surgical implants, with a thesis titled “The Consequences and Prevention of Bacterial Biofilm Infection of Silicone Breast Implants”. At the same time Dr Jacombs was selected and trained to teach trauma skills and is now a Senior Instructor for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and their Emergency Management of Severe Trauma (EMST) course. Dr Jacombs is also a Senior Lecturer at Macquarie University in the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Science.
Kui is a member of the Australasian Sonographers Association (ASA), the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM) and the Chinese Medical Association. Kui was a UN World Health Organisation Fellow in Medical Imaging at St Vincent’s Hospital (VIC) in 2006. Kui has also completed a Master’s Degree in Medical Imaging (2007 Capital University of Medical Science, Beijing China). Dr Kui Martinic graduated from South East University China in Clinical Medicine.
Surgeon’s Assistant